Thursday, March 2, 2017

Azaleas | Longview, Texas | 3.2.17

I could not live in the same town as my grandmother.

She would drive by my house, take one look at my crooked hedges, and I'd be instantaneously disowned.  James & Martha Tanner would go from having 5 grandchildren to 4 in a snap.  However, I might get to retain my granddaughter status if she saw the azaleas in the corner by the garage.  (ONLY the azaleas, mind you.)  Azaleas are one of Ma-maw's favorites.  Hers are always gorgeous, and when they bloom, it's like an explosion of color.  You can't touch the bush but where there is a bloom.

As you can tell, mine are... passable.  Passable enough to keep me in the family.  :)  As a bonus, they sure add a bright dose of color to a workspace!


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