When we were little girls, and our grandparents lived in the house on Miller Road, my grandmother kept a trunk full of her old dress slips and scarves. They were all different colors and in the eyes of four little girls, they were PERFECT for a bride and her three bridesmaids. We paraded around the play room, dressed haphazardly in Ma-maw's slips, carrying baskets of fake flowers. I bet we each got married off a dozen times or more. :) So... when Audrey came for a visit, we returned to our dress-up habits (only it was a bit classier this time around).

"...He who began a good work in you will
carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
- Philippians 1:6
We had a blast, Audrey! We still say you can move to Texas and live with us after graduation! ;)
Jill & Kay
Mom .....oooh, aaahh I just love this one. That was her response to pretty much every picture. She reminded me of Aunt Carole! Grandmaw's and Poppaw's expressions were a little different! They don't get very excited about pictures haha!