Sarah is a prank-puller. That's practically her official title. Vaseline on your door handle? Sarah. Your deodorant has been replaced by cream cheese? Sarah. Toilet paper and clothes taped to your ceiling? Random appearances of those little firework poppers? Cold water over the stall door? All Sarah. So, Matt... you'd better watch your back! But... you won't find a more loyal, compassionate, giving friend. And this friend made quite the beautiful bride on her wedding day. (Matt - you cleaned up nice, too!) :)
Kay and I were excited to fly to Louisville, KY and drive up to Lebanon, Ohio for the weekend. (Ironically, on the day marking our 1 year anniversary in Texas, we celebrated by flying back to Kentucky.) It was quite a terrain change, and we enjoyed being back in a few familiar places.
Matt & Sarah, we were so proud to be part of your wedding day.

Loved these words as Sarah came down the aisle!
"How beautiful the radiant bride
Who waits for her groom with His light in her eyes
How beautiful when humble hearts give
The fruit of pure lives so that others may live
How beautiful, how beautiful
How beautiful is the body of Christ."
A whole lot of fun!
We left Texas with 100+ degrees every single day, but this morning's weather in Ohio was 64 degrees and pouring rain. Kay and I were freeeeeeeezing! All morning we fought the wind and rain and prayed for sunshine. Can't tell you how elated we ALL were to see the clouds break and the sun come shining through following the ceremony!
That this time will never come again,
is what makes life so sweet.
Emily Dickinson
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