Mention Christine and the one word that immediately comes to mind is laughter! We did a lot of it Friday evening and had such an enjoyable time! There seemed to be a sense of "seeing the light at the end of the
tunnel" as students entered the weekend before finals.
Christine is an English Literature major who thoroughly enjoys editing.
Really, Christine!? You've got to be kidding. You really like editing!

"It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.
Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up,
He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living,
Part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone."
Ephesians 1:11, 12 (The Message)No better place to have pictures than where you've just spent the last four years.
Glad you wanted to try for these on campus, Christine.
Really like this black and white!
A favorite last one. The drop in temperature for the evening was just
right so that Christine could try out her newly purchased EKU sweatshirt!
You're almost graduated!
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