The room was pitch black, and my eyes were as big as saucers, while I tried to figure out what it was that had awakened me. I saw my phone lighting up and buzzing on my bedside table at the same time that Kay Lynn flew into the room, yelling,
not how Kay normally reacts to a ringing phone, but this particular occasion happened to take place somewhere around 5:00 in the morning, and we'd been waiting for the call for what felt like an eternity.
"Hello?" I squeaked out, trying to pretend I was well awake. The voice on the other end was calm and cheery,
"Hi! Just wanted to let you know, Cody & I are on our way to the hospital. It may be a while before you need to get up here, but I'll let you know!" Several hours later we arrived at the hospital to find Cody & Brittani surrounded by family - each offering their own encouragement and excitement.
Sweet baby Maybree finally made her appearance in the early afternoon, welcomed by a host of family, each eager for their turn to hold her.
Earlier in the week, Brittani's sister Hannah gave birth to a baby boy,
so she checked in on things via FaceTime.
When the time came, not everyone was eager to leave the delivery room - specifically younger sister Addison - who spent a fair amount of time with her ear pressed up against the door, listening any for signs of progress.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." - Psalm 139:14
One of the sweetest moments of the day was this one - simple, loving, wisdom-filled words prayed over Maybree's new life by her great-grandfather, and echoed by her parents and family.
Maybree Jo, Happy ...almost... Birthday! Can't believe you'll be the big 0-1! We know you are
well loved by your folks and your big brother - and figure you're in for quite a celebration! 😊
Cody & Brittany, thanks again for letting us in on such an incredibly special day!
Jill & Kay