The sun broke through the clouds just in time for the ceremony. Corey's smile was wide as he greeted guests and escorted his mom down the aisle to her seat. Alicia and her bridesmaids crowded around the loft windows, enjoying the vantage point, excitedly awaiting the cue to come down the staircase. The expressions in the crowd as father and daughter made their way down the aisle were happy ones, with a few sweet tears mixed in. The vows were heartfelt and lovingly spoken. (And the ring exchange brought a bit of humor as the matron of honor made a mad dash up and down the loft stairs for Corey's ring. :) )
Introducing… Mr. & Mrs. Corey Hudnall!
Alicia's group of gals were such fun to be around, and added a lot of laughter to the day!
When we asked Alicia to tell us a little bit about her fiancé at our first meeting,
she laughed and smiled and said, "Well, Corey's all cowboy!"

"...And all along, the good Lord knew
What the world would be like without a girl like you
Your love’s the kind of beautiful
That will never be surpassed
Now I know why He saved the best for last…"
- Best For Last \\ Aaron Watson
Congratulations, Alicia & Corey!
Jill & Kay
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