One week before Shelly met Mike, she caught the bride's bouquet at a friend's wedding. So maybe there is something to be said for the tradition of tossing the bridal bouquet… :)
Looking across the group of people gathered to celebrate the beginning of their marriage, it was easily evident that their lives and ministries have positively impacted many through the years. From several different far away states and countries, there were friends and family present who represented many different stages of their lives. It made for quite the joyful gathering!

We loved Mike and Shelly's choice to have Mike's girls stand on the groom's side in the wedding party!
A favorite moment of the day was the conversation in the salon brought about by Addison's question... "Aunt Shelly, what is a bride?" Addison took her job as flower girl very seriously! ;)
The bride & groom's vows rang out strong and true, rooted deeply in the couple's faith in Jesus.
"I vow to make our marriage a showcase
of His [God's] great love. I vow to praise
and worship our Lord and Savior the
rest of our days." - Mike
"The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy."
Psalm 126:3
The reception held some sweet surprises. Mamiko - one of Shelly's bridesmaids - gifted the couple an adorable pair of Japanese figurines made to resemble the bride and groom. And thanks to Mike's love of ice cream, everyone got the opportunity to help themselves to a soft serve ice cream bar... delicious! Plus, Shelly sent all the guests home with peanut butter and crackers in a cute little "to go" package. ;)

We couldn't help but smile and agree wholeheartedly as the pastor began Mike & Shelly's ceremony saying...
"Some brand new things are coming into your lives… and it's gonna work out good!"
Mr. & Mrs. Gribble's wedding day photos will be available to view at:
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