He said ... She said ... I DO! Here’s the proof!
but wait, we should back up just a little bit. It was two summers ago that we snapped this picture of Jessi (then a bridesmaid) and Tex at our first family wedding. The two of them had been dating since high school, and over the years, we slowly heard more and more about Jessi's boyfriend.
We have heard so many stories from Dad over the years about growing up in the small town of Burlison, Tennessee (population 300), situated about six miles from the mighty Mississippi River. So for our family, this wedding had a “coming home” theme - literally. And, after ten months in Texas, we were looking forward to seeing some of those Tennessee hills! Jessi and Tex chose to be married at Elm Grove United Methodist Church. We couldn’t wait to see the little church out in the country, which had been home to Jessi’s (and ours!) great-grandmother Alvatta Baskin. We were thrilled to take part in this wedding ... in an extra special place for a very special couple.
We have heard so many stories from Dad over the years about growing up in the small town of Burlison, Tennessee (population 300), situated about six miles from the mighty Mississippi River. So for our family, this wedding had a “coming home” theme - literally. And, after ten months in Texas, we were looking forward to seeing some of those Tennessee hills! Jessi and Tex chose to be married at Elm Grove United Methodist Church. We couldn’t wait to see the little church out in the country, which had been home to Jessi’s (and ours!) great-grandmother Alvatta Baskin. We were thrilled to take part in this wedding ... in an extra special place for a very special couple.
Loved that mile-wide smile as Tex sees Jessi for the first time!
Tex is a true gentleman! We liked him immediately the first time we met and hoped we might see more of him ... we will! :)
Sisters. (Sidenote: We heard the news, Taylor! Congratulations on your engagement!)

Each bride and groom choose to personalize their wedding in different ways. For Jessi and Tex, they did welcome baskets for out-of-town family and guests from seven different states! The little things always make a wedding event so special! So many hours spent on details and in preparation for their garden party theme reception with lots of help from family and friends!
Tex is a fan of baseball. A BIG fan. :) He's also a fan of cheesecake. And let me tell you. This cheesecake... was delicious!

We've never seen a sweeter wedding wish than this one, written by a special little friend of Jessi's:
"Tex, okay so here's the deal. Tbh. (To be honest) I like you.
I'd never thought I'd really tell you this.... Today you and Jessi are getting married.
I know you will take great care of my Jessi. I hope y'all live happy ever after!"

“They are no longer two, but one ...”
- Matthew 19:6
Congratulations, Tex and Jessi!
To view Tex and Jessi's rehearsal and family pictures, please visit www.texandjessi2013.jillandkayphotography.com. Their remaining wedding day images will be available at this same site on or before July 8th.
Jill & Kay